Scientific Research

《Toward 2035: Technology Foresight and Societal Vision》

Date:2024-05-16 11:14


Technology foresight provides strong support for the formulation of science and technology policies and plans. The main contents of this technology foresight are as follows: First, study the development trend of technology, and form a technology list through converging technology development paths, social visions, and current needs. The second is to study and measure China's technological competitiveness, and analyze the international level of China's technology and the world's leading countries in the fields. The third, to predict the time of technology realization, which can be divided into two stages: one is from laboratory invention time, and the other stage is the application promotion and popularization period; analyzes the influencing factors that affect the implementation of the technology. The fourth is the social impact of technology: conduct forward-looking research and judgment on the impact of technology on national security, industrial upgrading, social development and quality of life. The fifth is on measures and suggestions. It mainly focuses on two aspects: the path of technological development and the guarantee of the environment for technological development. The manuscript formed by this research is an important attempt by our think tank in technology foresight. In the future, the National Academy of Innovation Strategy will continue to cooperate with advantageous scientific research institutions in various fields to carry out technology foresight research in relevant key areas, and contribute to serving the national strategic decision-making.